‘I Miss You’
Our project was motivated by the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as IoT and Calm Technology. We aimed to address the need for emotional connection and interaction in a time of social isolation. We developed a simple and intuitive multi-dimensional interaction approach, which involved touch, blowing, watching, and listening, appealing to people's senses and facilitating intimate emotional communication across distance.
We have created an interactive device for use at home that can transmit people’s thoughts over long distances. We made the model using Arduino and 3D printing. We also filmed a demonstration of the device in the Design Informatics Studio.
Link: Presentation PDF
With: Huiwei Chen, Luna Hu, Huizhi Zhang
Role: Lead Designer
Date: October – December, 2020

3D printed prototype with Arduino inside.


Develop the idea.

Pulse sensor

Reflecting the heartbeat through light

Loudness sensor

Blow to light up the lights

Servo motor

Transmit blow signal to the motor, driving the wind chime
Video presentation.
How might we encourage people to dine out in an effective and fun way? How might we try to increase the number of customers at non-popular restaurants and restaurants at non-popular times? How can we help local businesses thrive to build more sustainable communities and cities after the pandemic?
After analysing different types of diners and restaurants, and considering multiple stakeholders including local businesses and government, I designed EatingCoin — a location-based smart contract platform that encourages people to dine out rather than order takeaway, and a new business model that connects local restaurants with other businesses to help them gain customers. It uses location data and smart contracts to generate EatingCoins, a virtual currency, through a distributed ledger protocol, inspired by Blockchain and GeoCoin.

Use Jobs to be Done to break down design opportunities.

Personas of key stakeholders.

Storyboard of GeoCoin.

Data exchange and value constellation of GeoCoin.
Alarm Operator
‘Alarm Operator’ is a data game that simulates the daily work of a Blackwood alarm operator, dealing with alarms and responding to customers’ needs in a timely manner. Blackwood strives to help people thoroughly enjoy their lives by providing high-quality care services and housing for disabled people of all ages in Scotland.
Based on our analysis of real Blackwood alarm data, ‘Alarm Operator’ was created aiming to give the public a visual representation of the many alarms used by disabled people in different parts of Scotland at different times, as well as a better understanding of Blackwood’s services. We also hope to draw the public’s attention to the needs of disabled people through this unique form of data visualisation.
Link: Play it at Unity Game, Individual work on GitHub: data analysis, Group work on GitHub, Group Report
With: Zhiyuan Du, Ariel Hu, Luna Hu, Ruishen Zheng
Role: Game Designer, UI Designer, Data Analyst
Date: October – December, 2020

UI of the data game.
Jorinda and Jorindel
How to create an immersive 3D game from scratch based on a fairy tale? ‘Jorinda and Jorindel’ is a new challenge for me. In this project, I started with 3D modeling, learning how to animate, writing Unity scripts in C#, and building an interactive environment in Unity. Additionally, I researched game design theories to design game mechanics, puzzles, terrain, and sounds for my game.
After about three months, I completed my first game in collaboration with a sound designer. Although it was simple, I put a lot of care and attention into its design. I hope that this project will serve as a good starting point for my future game development endeavors.
With: Mingzhe Li (Sound Designer)
Role: Designer, Programmer
Date: Febrary – Apirl, 2021

Map design.

A design sketch.

One of the main tasks of the game is to obtain the flower, but first, you have to find a way to get rid of the thorns — you can't burn them directly with a torch!